Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #143-More steroid related Bro science myths by Euro Pharma
Steroid Receptors
Let's start at the top. How steroids are able to give us the desired effects is, in fact, via two methods of action. According to NIH.Gov:
Steroids can act through two basic mechanisms: genomic and non-genomic. The classical genomic action is mediated by specific intracellular...
I remember in high school taking a PE class and a teacher was a football coach and he wanted all of us to weight train because he said it build up endurance and stamina. My question is is this really true or is it just broscience. Seems to me that cardio will build up endurance and stamina not...
I know when we work out our muscles get sore and protein helps rebuild them bigger. But let's say I was to eat protein at only half a gram per pound of body weight versus eating at 2 grams per body pound. Would I grow that much stronger by eating more protein or is that just broscience