Anyone supplement their weight training time with BJJ training together and how does it work for you? If i can dedicate 1 hour a day to weight train can i swap out 2 of those to focus on BJJ and martial arts and what are the over training worries i should be watching out for?
I am currently active in BJJ. I havent competed in a while and I am looking to start hitting the weights again to get some strength increases while also maintaining my cardio for tournaments. Would I be able to train with beastdrol and will it have a negative effect on my cardio?
I am an athlete that needs to be very aware of his weight....I sit around 200lbs to 210lbs and I want to fight at 185lbs...I wanted o get some insight on a good cycle for endurance and strenght with no weight gain at all...I've done lots of juice when I was powerlifting but my game is different...
any of you guys live in the miami area? if you do and are looking to train come by and train with cyborg who is one of the best bjj blackbelts in the world. school is on 41st street in south beach. fight sports south beach. if you have any questions feel free to ask.