Holy shit this is an old PM, sorry for the late, late response. I guess I know how to check my messages now...LOL. So I've put off the AAS for now and decided to try and build a better base first. It's a good thing I did, I slightly reinjured my shoulder (bicep tendenitis), not serieous but had I been on, I might have really done a number. I've since concentrated on building the shoulders without pressing and it's paid dividends. Shoulders are strong and I've built up the rest around a full body workout. Feb 1 I start my first Dermacrine Cycle with tesofen (6 weeks), followed by 6 weeks of sustain Alpha, testofen, phytoserm and creatine), then repeat. I'm going to log my success as well as do some blood work. Sups have changed since I was 25 (12 years ago), I think I'd be cheating myself, if I don't give this new technology a try before trying any AAS. Next winter, I will likel try some Primo, unless these weak cycles suggest I should stay down the natural path...