I'm native american, 36 yrs of age, 6'2" 203lbs, growing up I had always been an athlete, but was really skinny. I played college basketball, and track. But had always wanted to gain mass. During and after college I worked construction for my family business building electrical substations. So eating right and finding the right gyms were tough. I finally made gains in weight and lifts after a gym owner gave me the most simplest equation...EAT BIG+LIFT BIG= GET BIG!!! And I workout religiously!!
Lifting weights, mma, shooting clays with my cousins, hiking...just being outside in general
- Location
- My Stats:
- 6'2", 203lbs
- My Profile Headline
- I love hanging out at EliteFitness.com!
- Occupation
- Construction supervisor
- My Favorite Music:
- Native American powwow songs, hard rock, beastie boys and other rap from that era
- My Favorite Movies:
- Bury my heart at wounded knee, last samarai, walking tall, bigger, stronger, faster, avatar, rob zombie movies and music
- My Favorite TV Shows:
- ESPN, worlds strongest man, Oklahoma Sooner Football, UFC...
- My Heros:
- My grandparents, others who have made amazing transformations to their bodies and lifestyles and those who continue to better themselves as well as others!!
- My Favorite Books:
- Pop-ups
- My Favorite Sports:
- Football, basketball, bodybuilding, track, MMA
- My Ideal Weekend would be:
- Spending time away from work with my family anywhere. I don't get to go home much as you can tell
- My Vices are:
- I'm not going to Name my "kryptonite"!!!
- What's in my refrigerator:
- Milk, red diamond sweet tea, bags of chicken breast, already made tuna salad, water, beer (probably more than a month old), rockstar energy cola
- Stuff I really hate:
- People who say they wish they could go workout and get healthier....THE HARDEST LIFT OF ALL IS YOUR BUTT OFF THE COUCH!!! People who say "I can't"...at least make an effort!!
- Children:
- Someday
- Education:
- College graduate
- My Marital Status:
- In a Relationship
- Smoker:
- No
- Drinker
- Yes
- Sexual Orientation:
- Straight
- Religious:
- Yes
- My Religion:
- Other
- My Astrological Sign:
- Taurus (Bull): April 20-May 20
- My Area Code:
- 580
- My Ethnicity:
- Native American
- My City:
- Small enough to throw a football from one side of town to the other!!
- My State:
- Ok
- My Income:
- $60,000 to $75,000
- Names of Schools attended and URLs
- Oklahoma state university, southwestern Oklahoma state university
- My Muscularity:
- Some
- My Body Type:
- Athletic
- My Head Hair:
- Lots
- My Face Hair:
- Clean Shaven
- My Body Hair:
- Shaved or Waxed
- I'm looking for:
- Friends
- Networking
- Between the Sheets I'm:
- Adventurous
- I kiss on the first date:
- Every time,
- My Pets:
- I used to have an Akita....but none since her