Ok bro beans I am going to give you 2 things
1) My spelling sucks
2) We are all diffrent
My experience has been diffrent with HCG. I also get hard with dbol no water retention so that is not the norm either. Wurd
Ok so now if you can talk without the bullshit let me ask you another question. Have you ever done blood work of levels on just test, on test with 250iu twice a week, and HCG as a stand alone at 250 iu twice a week. Look at some research bro from some of the leading anti- aging clinics in the...
Damn this place has changed I was gonna post a video of my 18 year old son bench pressing for yousince you into power lifting. Can you post video anymore?
This would be my question for lift2live, who can obviously read and spell, but has zero experience from the way he sounds. Benefits of HCG on cycle. Keep natural levels from being suppressed while adding exogenous hormone. Do you not think less suppression equals faster recovery? And then there...
Lol im,typing,on,my phone you limp,dick sack of monkey shit. Dont be mad at me cause everybody here thinks youre a dumbass. Spelling is for bitches so i rest my case.
Pinning small muscles has some,benefit and injecting gear does have a site enhancement effect. But look at Valentinos fucked up arms contrary to what some say he accomplished that shit by site injecting gear not SEOs. Sounds like you have got some scare tissue issues like somebody else already...
Zinergey i totally mrant that post for lift2live bro not you. I thought he called you an idiot and ibtotally agree with you on this. Forgive me im old .,
Damn bro thats kinda harsh. You obviously read more than you experiment. And i been doing this a long time im older,wiser, bigger and stronger than the over whelming majority but I would not call the bro an idiot because he disagreed with me. Grow up kid
Letro will ruin a cycle if not used properly but can quickly stop gyno in ots tracks but it totally kills estro so ibwould not use it ifbi did not feel comfortable. Cycle looks good brother stay the course dont be confused.