I'm a pretty laid back guy, who's not afraid to show emotion. I like being the person to tell it like it is, instead of tip toeing around a subject. I'm kind hearted, and give money to charities, and food to the homeless. I pay attention to style with my clothing, and enjoy dressing up as long as I'm comfortable with what I've got on. I can be a little bit silly, and very sarcastic when it's appropiate. That's all for now. If anyone would like to get to know me, they'll find out the rest.
I was raised in a health conscious home, and grew up with a love for working out, and music. I've always love to dance that's how I got into breakdancing. I'm going to take up swing soon too. I met my girlfriend at the gym, hence the reason why I praise that place so much. My relationship with her is my longest one yet. I don't work out just to look good like so many people do, I work out to FEEL good, and perform better. I wrestled in high school, and have been playing basketball all of m
- Location
New Jersey
- My Stats:
- 5'7 165lbs
- My Profile Headline
- Squat till you drop, pull with control, press like there's no end.
- My Favorite Music:
- Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Incubus, Oye, DJ shadow, DJ Dara, NIN, Hendrix, The Doors
- My Favorite Movies:
- Too many to choose- Sin City is up there. Mostly action flicks, and comedy
- My Favorite TV Shows:
- The Simpsons
- My Heros:
- Z, My Parents, Nathan Mcall, Richard Gear
- My Favorite Books:
- Makes me wanna holler by Nathan Mcall
- My Favorite Sports:
- Wrestling, Basketball
- My Ideal Weekend would be:
- adventurous, joyfull, festive,tropical
- My Vices are:
- Sight selfishness, occasional smoking habit
- What's in my refrigerator:
- Chicken Breast, soy sauce, turkey, swiss cheese, cottage cheese, mayo, a dead body...skiddin.
- Stuff I really hate:
- nothing
- Children:
- Someday
- Education:
- Some college
- My Marital Status:
- In a Relationship
- Smoker:
- No
- Drinker
- Yes
- Sexual Orientation:
- Straight
- Religious:
- No
- My Astrological Sign:
- Taurus (Bull): April 20-May 20
- My Area Code:
- 201
- My Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- My State:
- NJ
- My Income:
- $30,000 to $45,000
- My Muscularity:
- Some
- My Body Type:
- Athletic
- My Head Hair:
- Some
- My Body Hair:
- Shaved or Waxed
- I'm looking for:
- Friends
- Networking
- Fun Between the Sheets
- Between the Sheets I'm:
- Adventurous
- Experienced
- I kiss on the first date:
- Every time,