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  • hey man have a question about something you posted...

    "Eq is more of a cutter and lean mass gainer while deca is a bloater and big mass gainer...Eq is AWESOME IMO and if your diet is right, you will love the results...for cutters, it is one of the more loved drugs...however, be careful...600mg EW for a 1st timer on it could be bad...that dose leads to high anxiety but if you split it over 3 shots per week you should be fine...but if it gets bad, cut it back to 400 shot 2x per week...also, test needs to be ran 2 weeks longer than EQ and here's the cycle i would run...

    weeks 1-16 test C 800mg EW
    weeks 1-14 EQ 600mg EW
    weeks 1-4 dbol 40mg ED
    weeks 8-16 Var or Winny 50mg ED
    weeks 5-18 hcg 500iu's EW shot over 2 doses"

    you posted from week 8-16 50mg ed of winny, i found winny tabs with 50mg doses, do you take it in the morning or do you recommend i cut the tab in half and do half in the morning and half at lunch or i guess it would be better half at lunch and half before bedtime, i workout at 6am in the morning, thanx.
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