Names Tim. Never worked out a day in my life untill last week. Guess I'm considered an ectomorph. In the process of my first bulking up phase.
Watching TV, Remote Controll Cars, Fishing, RPG computer games, PS3 games, netflix
- Location
- My Stats:
- 5 Ft 9/ 147 lbs
- Occupation
- Full Time Dad
- What's in my refrigerator:
- Everything
- Stuff I really hate:
- Glitter and Dust
- Children:
- Proud parent
- Education:
- High school
- My Marital Status:
- In a Relationship
- Smoker:
- No
- Drinker
- No
- Sexual Orientation:
- Straight
- Religious:
- Yes
- My Religion:
- Christian
- My Astrological Sign:
- Scorpio (Scorpion): Oct. 23-Nov. 21
- My Area Code:
- 941
- My Ethnicity:
- White / Caucasian
- My State:
- FL
- My Income:
- Less than $30,000
- My Muscularity:
- None
- My Body Type:
- Slim / Slender
- My Head Hair:
- Lots
- My Face Hair:
- Clean Shaven
- My Body Hair:
- Lots
- I'm looking for:
- Friends
- Networking
- A Training Partner
- Between the Sheets I'm:
- Adventurous
- Experienced
- I kiss on the first date:
- Maybe
- My Pets:
- Bearded Dragon