6 feet male 228 pounds i did a cycle anavar and winstrol plus testestorone
1.0 ml by weekly injectcion for two months i was 208 pounds diet is clean doing serius cardio plus lifting weights
Why i gaining not leaning that was the hold idea the i using the rong gear
Need to drop asap to 190...
220 5.11 40 age want to ask about injecting insulin how safe is how the dose has to be and where you can found it what is the benefits beside burning fat
Any help
Well im 40 years old male h5.11 w220
I drop 92 pounds in one year feel good better but im stock 220 bf 26% im eating clean work 5 times a week do cardio and weight lifting i did use clen + t3 for month cycle i feel like mu tyroid is been slow they told me need to wIt to start kikking again...