fun guy who enjoys working out(duh) and meeting new people everyday
partying, dancing, raves, good music, good vibes, good people...
- Location
San Antonio, TX
- My Stats:
- 6ft 280lbs
- My Profile Headline
- I love hanging out at!
- Occupation
- medical
- My Favorite Movies:
- Fear and loathing las vega, 300 and countless others
- My Favorite TV Shows:
- seinfeld, everybody loves raymond
- My Ideal Weekend would be:
- a big huge rave with all my favorite DJs and endless fun in my pocket...hehe
- Stuff I really hate:
- people who hold grudges and just can't get over the small stuff
- Children:
- Proud parent
- Education:
- Some college
- My Astrological Sign:
- Aries (Ram): March 21-April 19
- My Ethnicity:
- Latino / Hispanic
- My City:
- San Antonio
- My State:
- TX
- My Head Hair:
- Lots
- My Face Hair:
- Some
- My Body Hair:
- Some
- I'm looking for:
- Dating Girls
- Friends
- Networking
- Fun Between the Sheets
- Between the Sheets I'm:
- Adventurous
- Experienced
- Dominating
- I kiss on the first date:
- I'm no Jezebel
- My Pets:
- just my kid...LOL