Medically retired from the military, Martial arts, occasionally help teach some close quarters combatives,computers and some IT work. Love to read, and yeah work out.
Reading, watching movies,
- Location
Southern US
- My Stats:
- 5'8.5" An I claim the half damnit
- My Profile Headline
- That which does not kill me Had better run faster than I do
- Occupation
- Medically Retired
- My Favorite Music:
- not a clue where to start
- My Favorite TV Shows:
- Not really all that big into TV
- My Heros:
- Indiana Jones,, Dont laugh to a kid he kicked much ass
- My Favorite Sports:
- Im a bit of an oddball never really got into sports.
- My Ideal Weekend would be:
- Late fall early spring camping, Yep in a tent.
- My Vices are:
- What all of them?
- What's in my refrigerator:
- chicken, turkey, salid, cocacola
- Education:
- Some college
- My Marital Status:
- Married
- Smoker:
- No
- Drinker
- Yes
- Sexual Orientation:
- Straight
- Religious:
- No
- My State:
- MS
- My Head Hair:
- Lots
- My Face Hair:
- Clean Shaven