Stop licking your own balls. Combined with the other psychological retardation traits you have, you look even more totally pathetic than an alcoholic whore. I discussed your case with my wife who happens to be a psychologist and who is hot by the way, she agreed that you have daddy issues...
You're a homophobe. Because you are scared of your own true self. Dont worry i dont hate you because your a closet fag. Its more got to do with your keyboard warrior smart arse attitude. Go fuck yourself dickhead.
You are not worth responding to. You are obviously a gronk. You are pissed becoz i called you out for being a low test beta male eunuch. Go inject some testosterone so you can simulate what it is like to actually have a pair.
The best thing you can do is kill yourself. You are a waste of space and your brain is missing. You have a vacuum instead of a brain. How do you live in your shitty job with your ugly wife and fucked up boring low test little crack seeking life?