i've been around the gym since i was a little kid, started actually working out a few years ago. I have done a couple of powerlifting competitions where i broke the state records for bench, dl, squat and total weight lifted and qualified for collegiate nationals. what i really want to do is get into body building now, i feel i have built a strong enough base and its time to lose the fat. for being 265 pounds, i dont think i look too bad ( my profile picture is from a few years ago, i look a
- Location
ocean township nj
- My Stats:
- 5'11, 265, 20' arms, squat-550 bench-350 dl-515
- My Profile Headline
- need all the help i can get!
- Occupation
- college student
- My Body Hair:
- Shaved or Waxed
- I'm looking for:
- Dating Girls
- Friends
- Networking
- I kiss on the first date:
- Maybe