Loving all the support from each and every one of you guys
Hope you are all doing well!
Physique update while on site at work, no post workout pump
Still running test, NPP, and EQ. On day four of anadrol 20mg
Morning Elite Fitness family
Hope all is well with yourselves and families
Just an update sitting on 86.7kg this morning
Still working my way around what works and what doesn’t training with the disc bulges, a specific rehab day once a week is helping me repeat another week of training...
Appreciate all the responses lads
God bless you all and your families
I’m liking the dosage levels I’m initially running so I may not even titrate up
Putting on as much size as I can before this next cut
Will give physique updates soon
Filling out since the injury, will be doing a cut cycle after this one’s done. Still 10-12 weeks to go
Once the back feels better I’ll return to more body weight exercises to get the chest tidied up more, definitely my weak point with the niggles
Overall happy with the progress...