Large and in charge 6'2", 271lb. bb'er in Texas. Have competed and recently was up to 294 lbs. due to having sponsorship. Sponsor had wanted my offseason weight to be 305 or above.
Bodybuilding, eating, reading, making money, traveling, being aggressive. GRR!
- Birthday
April 8
- Location
- My Stats:
- 6'2", 271 lb. bb'er
- My Profile Headline
- Texas bodybuilder
- My Favorite Music:
- Like most music across all sectors - country music, rock, dance, classical
- My Heros:
- Bodybuilders with a mind and body
- Cultural References:
- I like museums and beach
- My Ideal Weekend would be:
- Going to a beach town, eating, relaxing
- My Vices are:
- Huge sex drive, will do what it takes to be a freak bb'er
- What's in my refrigerator:
- Name it
- Education:
- College graduate
- Smoker:
- No
- Drinker
- Yes
- Sexual Orientation:
- Not Sure
- Religious:
- Yes
- My Astrological Sign:
- Aries (Ram): March 21-April 19
- My Muscularity:
- Lots
- My Body Type:
- Bodybuilder
- My Head Hair:
- Lots
- My Face Hair:
- Some
- My Body Hair:
- Trimmed
- Between the Sheets I'm:
- Dominating