took up weight lifting bout 7 years ago, was a 20 stone fatty and needed something to help me focus on and help give me some discipline. Now 14 stone, fairly muscular, and enjoying life. I work as a web developer (code monkey) and enjoy training, travelling, going out with friends.
- Location
- My Stats:
- 5.8, 182lbs,
- My Profile Headline
- I love hanging out at!
- Occupation
- Web Developer
- My Favorite Music:
- chase and status, high contrast, dj hype, shimon and andy c
- My Favorite Movies:
- the hangover, goodfellas, standy by me, shrek,
- My Favorite TV Shows:
- southpark, simpsons, scrubs, 2 and a half men
- My Favorite Books:
- Lord of the rings, belle de jour, icarus
- My Favorite Sports:
- rugby,
- My Ideal Weekend would be:
- lowlands festival in amsterdan, good music, good beer, good brownies :)
- My Vices are:
- sweeet fooods, cant get enough of chocolate, muffins, cookies,
- What's in my refrigerator:
- im on the anabolc diet at the mo, so cheese, eggs, cream, beef mince, brocolli
- Children:
- I don't want kids
- Education:
- Some college
- My Marital Status:
- Married
- Smoker:
- No
- Drinker
- No
- Sexual Orientation:
- Straight
- Religious:
- No
- My Astrological Sign:
- Sagittarius (Archer): Nov. 22-Dec. 21
- My City:
- London
- My Income:
- $45,000 to $60,000
- My Muscularity:
- Some
- My Body Type:
- Athletic
- My Head Hair:
- Lots
- My Face Hair:
- Clean Shaven
- My Body Hair:
- Lots
- Between the Sheets I'm:
- Adventurous
- Experienced
- I kiss on the first date:
- That and more