Re: The absolute Best PCT of 2014, time to break out the whip
Thank you. Would you say skip the hcg all together? Or could I run the hcg right off the start of my cycle 250ius every 3-4 days until day 20 allowing me a 10 day window for my own lh production to recover. Then jump onto a serm...
Would the unleashed and post cycle be stacked together post cycle? Say it was a 4week cycle would i use the supps in conjuction for weeks 5-8 with a low dose of clomid?
Re: The absolute Best PCT of 2014, time to break out the whip
Could this be used in conjuction with a heavy oral steriod cycle with a 4week cycle length? I have been told orals shut down your body much quicker and rapidly than injections.
Hello All I am new to elitefitness blogs and wanted to share my designer steriod log as well as get information and critiquing of my cycle.
Currently I am preloading my support supps May 19-June 1st
Cycle start date june 2 (tenative)
Im 5 9 165lbs 10.1% bf --just had bloodwork done with...