I'm 6'4" and when I was 240ish looked just as big as those pics when i was around 15% bf. My thighs hold a ton of weight. The smallest i toned down to we're 27" right now they are 29.5" and I'm at 260 and 20%~ bf. work has detained me sadly.
At 300 and 20% bf you're looking at 240 lbs of lean...
Incredible log. Great detail on food, supps, and training. Learning a thing (or ten) from this. Motivating to say the least for me to get back at it.
Great job, MA. Incredible job. Impressive gains so far.
First time my buddy would jab my delts and I got clammy like crazy and cold sweat. But first time and every time I'd done quads I've never felt nervous. I did delts once and about fainted.. When I pulled the needle out lots of blood came out and i got blank television vision.. Had to wait a min...
My old hernia acts up sometimes durin squats and deads.. That's no fun bro. Take it easy.. Maybe you should take this time to coach me again. Lol.. I'm in bad shape
Pin slow and push slow..
Though I wish I could get the pin in faster sometimes. I need to do the little dart action to break the skin first. Mentally I can't get around it.
I use 25g and very rarely have pip.
I just drizzle some honey on my chobani plain nonfat and it tastes amazing. Also a packet of truvia (stevia) mixed in does wonders to the flavor. In the morning mix it with a handful of granola and coconut milk and it's an amazing breakfast :)
Check this out:
My bro sent it to me.. We both suffer from giant thigh syndrome
Excellent progress mate. I'm really jealous at the moment. My new job has totally torn up my routine.. Gotta reconfigure and get back to hitting the gym.
Great progress oxy! Definitely noticeable results.
Curious which of our sponsors did you get the sarms from? I'm considering running something similar for a nice summer cut. Looks like you got it dialed in perfect.
Yeah we don't get any respect bro. That's why I went to RR from my first pair of big star cause they have very little selection. Hell RR doesn't either but they are stylish. Wish they still had my first pair of big stars, they fit perfect.
The relaxed fit. It fit me comfortably and made my butt look nicer, better than my rock revivals.. Plus the denim isn't as thick and Breathes better. RR's are thick and make me feel very Stuffy.
Granted these guys change their cut a lot and styles, but I still think overall big star > rr on the...