I've run everything from tren a/e, winny (made me crazy by how horny I was all day on it), var, test, dbol, mast, tbol. These are all the compounds I've ever run and every single time I'm on one of these I can't stop myself from talking to the ugliest girls. Is this just me? I've heard people...
I never capped before.
But wouldn't be the same thing if I just washed it down with some water? It's still getting in my system, right?
Don't flame me, just trying to learn if I can just take it by itself.
Dude, I can't find finished gear anywhere I've been to so many gyms. But raw gear is easy ASAP.
So when I weigh out the gram and chop it up like a junkie how do I ingest it?
Alright, but if you can't answer the question why post?
Idgaf bout the healthy shit if I did I wouldn't being on roids in the first place.
Just asking for some easy ways to take var
I have 15g of anavar powder and I don't feel like capping it or doing any conversions shit. I just want it in my system asap so I can kill they gym.
What's the easiest way to take?
I heard you can straight eat it or mix it with water and shake everytime you take a dose.
I have s scale so I can...
Hey, it's been awhile since I been on here.
But I'm in China now and I can get some raw powders easily. The only thing is I don't know how to make the powder (tren) into a solution.
So I'm thinking about buying anavar and just eating the powder. Same Thing with tbol and winny. I've ran all of...
You sound like you shouldn't even be touching aas yet. Do some research no one is gonna just layout a cycle for you. If you can't figure out a cycle and dosage then you shouldn't be using.
Prop/Ace/Mast with Var and a strict diet along with clen and t3 with a eca.
It's that easy. Or just diet and cardio would take longer but still achieve the same results.
That's why I don't recommend blast n cruise. Only if you really want to live like that the rest of your life and go pro. But if it's just for looks and aesthetics just cycle on and off bro. Run pct and stay off for as long as you were on your cycle to let everything get back to normal than hop...
Thanks man but I'm more scared of the clen then dnp bro lol. First time I used clen I had a mini heart attack and a shooting pain in my chest all the way down my arm. Had to chew some aspirin. Never had effects like that from dnp only extreme sweating and yellow sperm lol. Oh yea and extreme fat...
People complain about my last post as I had dnp running for 60 days. I now changed it to 28 days. Is it any better/safer? I used dnp 4 times before all 12 day cycles starting at 250 and ending at 750mg. I plan to start sept. 1st so any advice is helpful.
Stats- 5'10'' 210lbs floating around...
I plan to start Sept 1st and go for 60 days.
Days 1-30 250mg dnp crystal
Days 31-50 500mg dnp crystal
Days 51-60 750mg dnp crystal
Days 10-70 50mcg t3
Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off for whole cycle with an EC stack when off clen.
Eating 500 under maintenance 50/30/20 split
Ive ran every substance...