The only reason i planned to do that was because in the past i have done 10 weeks and liver values stayed damn near perfect along with everything else so i figured 2 weeks wouldn't hurt but like i said i have eq laying around and i can get my hands on winny if you think it makes that much of a...
Okay so from what all you guys are saying my new set up would look like this
Week 1-6 var- 100mg ed
Week 1-18 test p-150mg eod
Week 1-18 mast p- 150mg eod
Week 12-18 tren a- 75mg eod
Week 12-18 var-100mg ed
Extend pct to 6 weeks w/HCg blast
The var the last 6 weeks i could trade for eq since...
Okay and i have never ran a cycle for over 16 weeks so do you advise i change anything pct since i will be staying on cycle longer ? And also what dosing do you suggest i run test , tren mast and var at ? Thanks again for all the suggestions man !
okay so if I extended the cycle should I run the mast and var all the way through ?and even if I extend to 16 weeks I will be 2 weeks short of my show so do you suggest I be on pct during it or extend all the way to 18 weeks and should I add in the eq and tren or replace one with the other...
Can you be a bit more descriptive as far as when i should start things because I have been running the var since day 1 and im on week 4 so stop now and start back up later ? or run it all the way through.. also do you suggest I start the tren because I haven't even started the tren ... also how...
Hello, First post on here. Stats im 5'9" 200 lbs 5% Bf I hold 5-8% year round. Diet is perfect no need for help there , Training is also on point, been training 7 years, 3rd cycle. So I need some help with deciding what to do on my current pre comp cycle. So My cycle plan was.
week 1-12 Test...