i agree with....not trying to blame just stateing its a definet eyeopener how in this town they just lock and load as opposed to smaller towns where they take a sec to under stand the sitch....hasty is all really....
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lol we dont even argue let alone actually fight lol but thanks for all the tips lol
lesson learned: cops are not always there to help....at least not when they can manipulate a good revenue stream
i miss small towm cops :/
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yeah well we were both pretty miss informed....must watch to much tv thinking the just throw you in the tank till you sober up and send you home :/
we are pretty pissed at the whole deal but gonna try and go for a dissorderly conduct
yeah what she didnt ecplain was it wasnt violence against each other i was to turn the radio and she shoved me and i shoved her back...unfourtunetly we were climbing all over all the junk in our garage and we both fell......shes so fuckin pissed off right now that there are spinning it the way...
my wife and i were partying last weekend and drank to much tiquila...we were not fighting at all but i was raving around the hous blacked out like a lunitic and trying to crank the music on my patio at 4am the wife told me a few time to get under control and go to bed or she would call the...
nope just a piss test for the court on some bs put i promised no drugs alcohol in lue of no bail befire i thought.it through....could just paid the hundo and not worried about this lol
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possable pis test next wednesday...simple rules no alcohol or mind/mood altering drugs
not a proble fir me i dont do drugs
till it occured to me i been taking 2.5 of chemicalneed liquid letro all month
is this gonna fuck me?!
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