Having a hard time finding hcg. I read Clomid will have the same effect on starting the balls. Any thoughts on this? Fyi I am in week 5 test 250mg eq 600mg. Plan to start tren a last 6 weeks
Hi. Thanks for your input. My goals are to add some lean muscle and increase vascularity and muscle hardness. I feel like I have some size and don't necessarily need to gain much mass. I chose to cycle because I have been lifting and taking protein bcaa etc for 10 to 15 years and have for the...
Are there many sides for eq? I like the sound of the hardening effect and vascularity from it. That's fine if the balls shrink short term as long as I can still get with the wife
Well I have taken test before so not worried about that with liquidex. I guess sides from tren. I read that above 300mg a week is a lot for first time tren user
Hey do you think it is ok to drop the test to 150 or 200 and the tren to maybe 35 or 40 ed. After reading about sides I wonder about taking 350mg of tren a week
Thanks a lot for the quick reply. Is the HCG necessary? I am not sure where I can get that at. Also do I need caber in there for the prolactin from Tren?