Sup fellas,
I'm likely going to get a bashing for this post, and I fully understand why.
I'm not a BB nor a meathead and I haven't been training diligently for years. I am a skinny dude who has a lifestyle that doesn't allow for regular training or access to a gym and who wants to pack on some weight.
"Oh no, surely you're not thinking of doing AAS at this stage, are you?" I hear you say.
Bingo! I am. As a matter of fact, this is not my first cycle so I have some first-hand experience of how my own body reacts to it. Nevertheless I thought I'd post about it and see if I can get some sound advice. I know what I want to do is not ideal - so no, I'm not thinking of getting on the juice and sitting on my arse all day waiting for the muscle fairy to hit me with the beef stick - I'm back home for a few months and back in the gym, so I want to seize the opportunity to pack on all the meat I can before I leave and hopefully get some advice from someone clever on how to keep on as much of it as realistically possible with my limited means while I'm away. I'm prepared to try anything reasonable.
A little background about myself:
I live most of the year on a largely deserted island in the tropics that you can walk around in half an hour, working as a diving professional. Needless say there is no gym in the place, and the most exercise I get to do is shift ~30-40lb tanks on and off the boat a few times a day. That hardly counts as a well-rounded workout and there is only so much pushing them overhead while running from the boat to the compressor one can do without looking like a right knob.
So regular gym training is not an option and I do not have days off to rest and recover. Tried doing some exercises using my own body weight, but it doesn't go a long way and when you're working 16hrs a day, 7/7 a training regime kinda goes out of the window.
There are also physiological obstacles to intense training when your body is permanently saturated with nitrogen, so even with swimming I have to be careful to be well hydrated and not do it right after diving, else I risk fizzing up and a doing a trip to the recompression chamber. Not fun.
Ok, let's cut the crap - you want stats now. Here, try not to fall off the chair.
Age: 33
Height: 5'6"
Current: 135lbs
Before training: 108lbs
Max natural: 141lbs
Max ever: 152
BF: Low (<15%)
So yeah I'm skinny, but it's already a massive improvement over the shape a speed and mars bars-based diet afforded me in my 20s. I like to keep a lot healthier these days and dabble in lots of different activities whenever I can fit them into my schedule.
Diet-wise, I can eat. I've been on a Metabolic Type diet from HealthExcel for over 2 years. It is tailored to me. I'm a protein type, parasympathetic-dominant, fast oxidiser. That's a mouthful. In English it means my body likes protein and doesn't deal too well with shitty carbs. It also thrives on saturated fats and relies on them for slow-burn energy rather than carbs.
My everyday diet would consist of the same ratio of protein/carbs/fat in every meal in a ~40/30/30% ratio. When I train I eat A LOT. We're talking 21oz (600g) of mainly red meat, a couple of shakes, 8oz of butter and truckloads of low-starch veggies (broccoli, mushrooms, cauliflower, courgettes, aubergines etc) a day. Oils, nuts and seeds in liberal amounts.
An example of what I eat in a day would go something like this:
- Breakfast: 200g bacon @36% protein, 2 eggs, half a broccoli head, ~3oz butter
- Lunch: 200g rib-eye / sirloin steak @22% protein (rare), half a cauliflower, ~3oz butter
- Dinner: 250g pork/venison sausages @~18% protein, 200g mushrooms, the rest of the block of butter.
- 2 shakes @40g pure whey isolate either first thing in the morning or in the afternoon and right before bed.
Then cheese, nuts, seeds, oils, cold cuts and milk throughout the day. I am not shy at the table.
It seems like a lot of fat, but with the size of my body there's only so much I can force in there in a day and pound-for-pound fats give me calories.
When I don't train I eat the same stuff but in smaller quantities and without shakes and less fat. You could say it's a kinda lovechild between Atkins and Paleo, but much more tailored - I have a food chart that lists almost every food under the sun and tells me how good or bad it is *for me* by its colour. I am quite fond of it but for the sake of experimenting I'm not necessarily opposed to trying something new if it looks like it's worth a go.
In the last few weeks I started cycling carbs 3/1. It's burned off a lot of fat (and some muscle) and I'm now at the same weight I was before my first ever course, although with a lot less BF and a better overall shape. 6 pack and all obliques are all showing and look quite glorious, although a skinny dude with a 6 pack is a bit like a fat girl with big tits - it doesn't really count.
Physically, the areas with the biggest shortcoming in muscle development are in my top half - in order: delts, neck, traps and chest. Put that on top of a pair of thighs that were meant for someone triple my size (lots of [bike]cycling) and you have a pretty inharmonious physique. Everything else I could live with, but my emaciated Zambian orphan with AIDS shoulders and neck I'm very self-conscious about. I think some of it is genetic as every time I manage to develop them either training or swimming they deflate within weeks once I stop, but we're all really quite small in my family so I might be fighting a losing battle.
"Bro, don't do it! You just ain't got the size and built for AAS!"
Yeah I know. but I've done much worse things to my body in the past and I like to think the way I look after it now somewhat offsets some of the damage they're going to do. Really, I'm not going to run a 2-gram 16-weeker Tren/DNP course. I'm silly, not suicidal. I've done my homework, the cycle is going ahead. Think of it as medical rehabilitation physiotherapy if it makes you feel better - after all that's what dbol was designed for originally and var is used for now anyway.
I understand some will just go NO NO NO NO NO and that's fine, I actually think that's the right reply to the post, but save yourselves a few keystrokes cause it will fall on deaf ears. Suggestions on dosage and training regime to help minimise damage, on the other hand, are most welcome.
Training and cycle history:
I tipped the scales at just over 100lbs till my mid 20s, then started eating properly, got a job doing removals and training in combat sports and packed on 30lbs in 9 months, though there was a lot of water from creatine monohydrate in there. Since then I've dabbled in weights, MMA, swimming, pole dancing and yoga as and when I can fit them in, and I've rarely ever been below 128-132lbs. Roids have always been on my mind and I started educating myself on them a decade ago, but they didn't seem like a good idea while I was basically a testosterone powerplant. Most of my peers started doing them then, but I chose to wait.
Come my 30s, the idea came up for review and I decided whilst still probably not the best option, that at least it wouldn't be as bad as doing them at 23. Plus although far from my natural max, I was working out at the time. 6 weeks of Test C @500mg/week pinned @300mg every 4 days took me from 132 to 152+lbs by week 5. This was nearly 2 years ago. I left shortly after and the weight staid on quite nicely. Even after going well under 123lbs with killer traveller's diarrhoea I bounced straight back up once recovered and readily puffed up soon as I much as touched a weight. Still do.
The biggest benefit over muscle growth I got out of my only cycle was that it fixed a very old neck injury where if I lifted something heavy overhead or pulled it towards me rowing-style really hard, or sometimes when it simply felt like it, my neck would go "click" and that would be it - stuck for up to 5-7 days hardly able to move my top half. That didn't go down well when it happened on the job and had to basically stop moving. It's only happened twice since the cycle and recovery has been ultra-fast, so just for that it was all worth it for me as far as standard of living goes.
So now I'm back home for a few months, back in the gym and I'm thinking of something like this:
1) Get my sorry ass back in the gym, do a lot of compound exercises and go back to my former natural max.
2) Once I'm back in full swing, open my magic box which contains: 1x 12ml Test E 400, 25x Dbol 50, 75x Var 25, 45x Nolva 20mg and 1x 5000iu HCG amp (that's half of what I got for the 2 of us)
If you've made it reading this far it means 1) you like reading a lot and you probably have too much spare time
2) you are kind enough to want to spare a few minutes to help me not bust a joint / herniate / get a heart attack; 3) you are not going to say DUDE, DON'T DO IT, IT'S BADD! - because I've already said it for you 3 times and you'd be burning precious muscle typing
So this is when I open up my ears again and gratefully welcome any feedback on my proposed cycle. It goes something like this, and below is why:
Weeks 1-6: Test E @400mg/w
Weeks 1-2: Dbol @ 50mg ed
Weeks 3-6 (8?): Var @50mg ed
PCT: Nolva 12 days after last pin (dosage suggestions welcome)
HCG: 500iu 2x week, week 3-8 (start sooner / stop earlier?)
Milk thistle throughout
Dutasteride 1mg ed, Minoxidil 5% and Ketoconazole 2% shampoo to protect the hairline. Last cycle affected it somewhat.
Reasoning behind choice of cycle:
When it came to choosing compounds, the sky was the limit - I had access to virtually everything available on the market this side of cheque drops and the Hulk potion. I take it I don't need to explain the test base.
Why E though? Cypionate was fine, but it didn't kick in till at least week 2, which on a 6-weeker seems a bit of a waste. I would have got Prop but Cyp already left me feeling and walking like I'd been raped by an elephant the day after the pin and for 3-4 days after. I deal ok with pain but that was probably the biggest negative about the course. And that's meant to be the nicest esther to inject. I'll be pinning deeper, stretching and massaging more this time, note to self. Sust gets in fast but I don't like the thought of something lingering in my system for weeks post-cycle and levels all over the place. Prop makes big men cry so I figured I'd give it a miss and make do with Enanthate. Being a slightly shorter esther than Cyp I thought it'd be my best bet.
Why Dbol? Basically cause it's a badass and it gets things moving fast. Keeping the db short @2 weeks as I don't want to look like the Michelin man, though I'm sure a good workout will find some use for all that intracellular water. From previous experience the test should kick in around week 2 so I'll let that take over and lose the db in favour of the Var, which will hopefully take care of definition and give me some more stubborn gains (and it's less hard on the liver). Maybe even help cement the gains of the test and dbol, but that might just be wishful thinking.
I've chosen not to include HGH as I don't know enough about it and the good stuff would make the cost prohibitive (var isn't cheap). If this is a big mistake I could reconsider.
PCT-wise, I'm all ears. Last time I did just Nolva and it wasn't great. Mood was so-so and sex drive took a nose dive for a few weeks, much to the dismay of the missus. Didn't get any testicular atrophy. Having said that, if I did they'd have just looked normal, they're massive. Not bragging or anything - but if I could lose half of the badboys and have it on my shoulders instead I'd look like a normal person haha. I'm not sure that has anything to do with actual testicular activity though and the other half is quite fond of them, so this time I've bought some HCG to run throughout the cycle to hopefully make coming off a smoother experience than last time. PCT really isn't my forte and I'm not starting until I've found something solid. There's too many options and it looks like just about every big guy with a business idea wants to sell you the ultimate jedi-ninja PCT combo. Hard to sift through the crap.
Boom - six weeks. Nice and quick. Get in as fast and hard as feasible and get out before things start getting too dodgy.
Now suggestions:
- Does the above sound ok?
- Since the test is gonna stick around for a couple of weeks after the last pin, would it be acceptable to still do Var for a week/10 days after last pin or would that be pushing it? Should I just let the test taper slowly rather than abruptly stop if I did Var to the end? I know 17aa's should be kept @6 weeks max, but Var is meant to be very mild. How about half dose after week 6 and taper down to zero by day 12 after last pin? Doable?
- HCG: this is one I don't feel I know enough about. @ 2x 500iu shots pw I'll have enough for 5 weeks. Is it best to start after the beginning of the course and run it till a bit after? I heard a bad dose can shut down my balls for good, but couldn't find anything about that online: possible risks?
- Enanthate is a long esther: should I front load or is that redundant with the dbol?
- Being a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, will the Dutasteride interfere with the var, which is 5-alpha reduced and a derivative of DHT? From what I understand all Dutasteride does is block the production of the 5AR enzymes so they can't combine with testosterone to form DHT, am I wrong?
Previous course overall experience and observations:
My gains on my last cycle peaked @week 5 of 6. Sides were minimal. Bacne never got bad and only made a quick, shy appearance around week 4 or 5and then it was gone. No rage. I was disappointed, I was curious to see what it would feel like to experience it. Sex drive was ok, but it's usually quite high so not a massive difference. More than that and I would have needed reconstructive surgery. Not so good post-cycle for about 3 weeks. Stamina: shit. I guess it was slightly better than normal, but just the thought of running to catch the bus makes me want to vomit. I'd lift things heavier than me any day, but a 2min run would probably make me cough my spleen out and kill me. I guess I'll have to include some cardio in my next routine, hey. Heart: sweet Jesus, sometimes it was like starting an old Chevy V8; the whole bed would shake and if my girlfriend was sleeping on my chest she'd wake up thinking we were being trampled by horses. In hindsight, that doesn't sound too good - but aren't reasonable, sporadic doses of test meant to be a cardiotonic? Right shoulder started to hurt at week 6 so toned down training and took longer rests. I've always had dodgy shoulders (I guess overall underdeveloped?) and sooner or later they end up hurting, especially while doing lat pulldowns. People who had the same problem seem to have got better as they built more tissue around the cuff. Note to self: this time take generous amounts of glucosamine - it's hit or miss, as in whether it works for you or not seems to be a metabolic type thing - but does miracles for me.
To offset my deafness to calls not to do gear, I am completely open to any and all suggestions on how to structure my cycle, diet, training and PCT. I understand I am not in an ideal shape to do roids. I can especially imagine my joints and ligaments not being too happy about all the sudden extra load. To help minimise herniation and ligament damage, last time I did German Volume Training (10x10) while on. The reasoning behind it being instead of focusing on dangerously high loads, I would stress the muscle with more sets of lower intensity. I think 20lbs in 5 weeks is pretty monstrous. The drawback is that each workout is limited to 2 exercises. I never quite cracked a combination that allowed me to exercise what I wanted as often as I wanted without neglecting other muscle groups.
- With the reduced recovery time, how many workouts a week is reasonable to do, and how long each workout? I usually do 2-3 pw for ~90mins without gear. I have time to do more.
- What's a good training routine to get the most out of my cycle and really hit the delts/traps/neck/lats/chest (in that order of importance)? Not neglecting the rest, but thighs are already massive, core is reasonably strong and back grows very quickly. I really want to get those delts to do something with their life. I read 5x5 is meant to be the daddy but I'm concerned it might be too intense for my current shape. Whaddya think?
- Cardio: good idea or bad? How much? I'm not after monster gains only to deflate after, I'd rather gain less and keep more of it. To give you an idea, I'd have a swimmer's body over a BB's any day.
- Should I keep cycling carbs during the cycle? I'd like to stay lean even if it means slightly less gains.
I understand I have neither the time nor genetics to be BIG, but if I got to say 155-165lbs with this BF I'd be more than happy
What are your thoughts?
I'm likely going to get a bashing for this post, and I fully understand why.
I'm not a BB nor a meathead and I haven't been training diligently for years. I am a skinny dude who has a lifestyle that doesn't allow for regular training or access to a gym and who wants to pack on some weight.
"Oh no, surely you're not thinking of doing AAS at this stage, are you?" I hear you say.
Bingo! I am. As a matter of fact, this is not my first cycle so I have some first-hand experience of how my own body reacts to it. Nevertheless I thought I'd post about it and see if I can get some sound advice. I know what I want to do is not ideal - so no, I'm not thinking of getting on the juice and sitting on my arse all day waiting for the muscle fairy to hit me with the beef stick - I'm back home for a few months and back in the gym, so I want to seize the opportunity to pack on all the meat I can before I leave and hopefully get some advice from someone clever on how to keep on as much of it as realistically possible with my limited means while I'm away. I'm prepared to try anything reasonable.
A little background about myself:
I live most of the year on a largely deserted island in the tropics that you can walk around in half an hour, working as a diving professional. Needless say there is no gym in the place, and the most exercise I get to do is shift ~30-40lb tanks on and off the boat a few times a day. That hardly counts as a well-rounded workout and there is only so much pushing them overhead while running from the boat to the compressor one can do without looking like a right knob.
So regular gym training is not an option and I do not have days off to rest and recover. Tried doing some exercises using my own body weight, but it doesn't go a long way and when you're working 16hrs a day, 7/7 a training regime kinda goes out of the window.
There are also physiological obstacles to intense training when your body is permanently saturated with nitrogen, so even with swimming I have to be careful to be well hydrated and not do it right after diving, else I risk fizzing up and a doing a trip to the recompression chamber. Not fun.
Ok, let's cut the crap - you want stats now. Here, try not to fall off the chair.
Age: 33
Height: 5'6"
Current: 135lbs
Before training: 108lbs
Max natural: 141lbs
Max ever: 152
BF: Low (<15%)
So yeah I'm skinny, but it's already a massive improvement over the shape a speed and mars bars-based diet afforded me in my 20s. I like to keep a lot healthier these days and dabble in lots of different activities whenever I can fit them into my schedule.
Diet-wise, I can eat. I've been on a Metabolic Type diet from HealthExcel for over 2 years. It is tailored to me. I'm a protein type, parasympathetic-dominant, fast oxidiser. That's a mouthful. In English it means my body likes protein and doesn't deal too well with shitty carbs. It also thrives on saturated fats and relies on them for slow-burn energy rather than carbs.
My everyday diet would consist of the same ratio of protein/carbs/fat in every meal in a ~40/30/30% ratio. When I train I eat A LOT. We're talking 21oz (600g) of mainly red meat, a couple of shakes, 8oz of butter and truckloads of low-starch veggies (broccoli, mushrooms, cauliflower, courgettes, aubergines etc) a day. Oils, nuts and seeds in liberal amounts.
An example of what I eat in a day would go something like this:
- Breakfast: 200g bacon @36% protein, 2 eggs, half a broccoli head, ~3oz butter
- Lunch: 200g rib-eye / sirloin steak @22% protein (rare), half a cauliflower, ~3oz butter
- Dinner: 250g pork/venison sausages @~18% protein, 200g mushrooms, the rest of the block of butter.
- 2 shakes @40g pure whey isolate either first thing in the morning or in the afternoon and right before bed.
Then cheese, nuts, seeds, oils, cold cuts and milk throughout the day. I am not shy at the table.
It seems like a lot of fat, but with the size of my body there's only so much I can force in there in a day and pound-for-pound fats give me calories.
When I don't train I eat the same stuff but in smaller quantities and without shakes and less fat. You could say it's a kinda lovechild between Atkins and Paleo, but much more tailored - I have a food chart that lists almost every food under the sun and tells me how good or bad it is *for me* by its colour. I am quite fond of it but for the sake of experimenting I'm not necessarily opposed to trying something new if it looks like it's worth a go.
In the last few weeks I started cycling carbs 3/1. It's burned off a lot of fat (and some muscle) and I'm now at the same weight I was before my first ever course, although with a lot less BF and a better overall shape. 6 pack and all obliques are all showing and look quite glorious, although a skinny dude with a 6 pack is a bit like a fat girl with big tits - it doesn't really count.
Physically, the areas with the biggest shortcoming in muscle development are in my top half - in order: delts, neck, traps and chest. Put that on top of a pair of thighs that were meant for someone triple my size (lots of [bike]cycling) and you have a pretty inharmonious physique. Everything else I could live with, but my emaciated Zambian orphan with AIDS shoulders and neck I'm very self-conscious about. I think some of it is genetic as every time I manage to develop them either training or swimming they deflate within weeks once I stop, but we're all really quite small in my family so I might be fighting a losing battle.
"Bro, don't do it! You just ain't got the size and built for AAS!"
Yeah I know. but I've done much worse things to my body in the past and I like to think the way I look after it now somewhat offsets some of the damage they're going to do. Really, I'm not going to run a 2-gram 16-weeker Tren/DNP course. I'm silly, not suicidal. I've done my homework, the cycle is going ahead. Think of it as medical rehabilitation physiotherapy if it makes you feel better - after all that's what dbol was designed for originally and var is used for now anyway.
I understand some will just go NO NO NO NO NO and that's fine, I actually think that's the right reply to the post, but save yourselves a few keystrokes cause it will fall on deaf ears. Suggestions on dosage and training regime to help minimise damage, on the other hand, are most welcome.
Training and cycle history:
I tipped the scales at just over 100lbs till my mid 20s, then started eating properly, got a job doing removals and training in combat sports and packed on 30lbs in 9 months, though there was a lot of water from creatine monohydrate in there. Since then I've dabbled in weights, MMA, swimming, pole dancing and yoga as and when I can fit them in, and I've rarely ever been below 128-132lbs. Roids have always been on my mind and I started educating myself on them a decade ago, but they didn't seem like a good idea while I was basically a testosterone powerplant. Most of my peers started doing them then, but I chose to wait.
Come my 30s, the idea came up for review and I decided whilst still probably not the best option, that at least it wouldn't be as bad as doing them at 23. Plus although far from my natural max, I was working out at the time. 6 weeks of Test C @500mg/week pinned @300mg every 4 days took me from 132 to 152+lbs by week 5. This was nearly 2 years ago. I left shortly after and the weight staid on quite nicely. Even after going well under 123lbs with killer traveller's diarrhoea I bounced straight back up once recovered and readily puffed up soon as I much as touched a weight. Still do.
The biggest benefit over muscle growth I got out of my only cycle was that it fixed a very old neck injury where if I lifted something heavy overhead or pulled it towards me rowing-style really hard, or sometimes when it simply felt like it, my neck would go "click" and that would be it - stuck for up to 5-7 days hardly able to move my top half. That didn't go down well when it happened on the job and had to basically stop moving. It's only happened twice since the cycle and recovery has been ultra-fast, so just for that it was all worth it for me as far as standard of living goes.
So now I'm back home for a few months, back in the gym and I'm thinking of something like this:
1) Get my sorry ass back in the gym, do a lot of compound exercises and go back to my former natural max.
2) Once I'm back in full swing, open my magic box which contains: 1x 12ml Test E 400, 25x Dbol 50, 75x Var 25, 45x Nolva 20mg and 1x 5000iu HCG amp (that's half of what I got for the 2 of us)
If you've made it reading this far it means 1) you like reading a lot and you probably have too much spare time

So this is when I open up my ears again and gratefully welcome any feedback on my proposed cycle. It goes something like this, and below is why:
Weeks 1-6: Test E @400mg/w
Weeks 1-2: Dbol @ 50mg ed
Weeks 3-6 (8?): Var @50mg ed
PCT: Nolva 12 days after last pin (dosage suggestions welcome)
HCG: 500iu 2x week, week 3-8 (start sooner / stop earlier?)
Milk thistle throughout
Dutasteride 1mg ed, Minoxidil 5% and Ketoconazole 2% shampoo to protect the hairline. Last cycle affected it somewhat.
Reasoning behind choice of cycle:
When it came to choosing compounds, the sky was the limit - I had access to virtually everything available on the market this side of cheque drops and the Hulk potion. I take it I don't need to explain the test base.
Why E though? Cypionate was fine, but it didn't kick in till at least week 2, which on a 6-weeker seems a bit of a waste. I would have got Prop but Cyp already left me feeling and walking like I'd been raped by an elephant the day after the pin and for 3-4 days after. I deal ok with pain but that was probably the biggest negative about the course. And that's meant to be the nicest esther to inject. I'll be pinning deeper, stretching and massaging more this time, note to self. Sust gets in fast but I don't like the thought of something lingering in my system for weeks post-cycle and levels all over the place. Prop makes big men cry so I figured I'd give it a miss and make do with Enanthate. Being a slightly shorter esther than Cyp I thought it'd be my best bet.
Why Dbol? Basically cause it's a badass and it gets things moving fast. Keeping the db short @2 weeks as I don't want to look like the Michelin man, though I'm sure a good workout will find some use for all that intracellular water. From previous experience the test should kick in around week 2 so I'll let that take over and lose the db in favour of the Var, which will hopefully take care of definition and give me some more stubborn gains (and it's less hard on the liver). Maybe even help cement the gains of the test and dbol, but that might just be wishful thinking.
I've chosen not to include HGH as I don't know enough about it and the good stuff would make the cost prohibitive (var isn't cheap). If this is a big mistake I could reconsider.
PCT-wise, I'm all ears. Last time I did just Nolva and it wasn't great. Mood was so-so and sex drive took a nose dive for a few weeks, much to the dismay of the missus. Didn't get any testicular atrophy. Having said that, if I did they'd have just looked normal, they're massive. Not bragging or anything - but if I could lose half of the badboys and have it on my shoulders instead I'd look like a normal person haha. I'm not sure that has anything to do with actual testicular activity though and the other half is quite fond of them, so this time I've bought some HCG to run throughout the cycle to hopefully make coming off a smoother experience than last time. PCT really isn't my forte and I'm not starting until I've found something solid. There's too many options and it looks like just about every big guy with a business idea wants to sell you the ultimate jedi-ninja PCT combo. Hard to sift through the crap.
Boom - six weeks. Nice and quick. Get in as fast and hard as feasible and get out before things start getting too dodgy.
Now suggestions:
- Does the above sound ok?
- Since the test is gonna stick around for a couple of weeks after the last pin, would it be acceptable to still do Var for a week/10 days after last pin or would that be pushing it? Should I just let the test taper slowly rather than abruptly stop if I did Var to the end? I know 17aa's should be kept @6 weeks max, but Var is meant to be very mild. How about half dose after week 6 and taper down to zero by day 12 after last pin? Doable?
- HCG: this is one I don't feel I know enough about. @ 2x 500iu shots pw I'll have enough for 5 weeks. Is it best to start after the beginning of the course and run it till a bit after? I heard a bad dose can shut down my balls for good, but couldn't find anything about that online: possible risks?
- Enanthate is a long esther: should I front load or is that redundant with the dbol?
- Being a 5-alpha-reductase inhibitor, will the Dutasteride interfere with the var, which is 5-alpha reduced and a derivative of DHT? From what I understand all Dutasteride does is block the production of the 5AR enzymes so they can't combine with testosterone to form DHT, am I wrong?
Previous course overall experience and observations:
My gains on my last cycle peaked @week 5 of 6. Sides were minimal. Bacne never got bad and only made a quick, shy appearance around week 4 or 5and then it was gone. No rage. I was disappointed, I was curious to see what it would feel like to experience it. Sex drive was ok, but it's usually quite high so not a massive difference. More than that and I would have needed reconstructive surgery. Not so good post-cycle for about 3 weeks. Stamina: shit. I guess it was slightly better than normal, but just the thought of running to catch the bus makes me want to vomit. I'd lift things heavier than me any day, but a 2min run would probably make me cough my spleen out and kill me. I guess I'll have to include some cardio in my next routine, hey. Heart: sweet Jesus, sometimes it was like starting an old Chevy V8; the whole bed would shake and if my girlfriend was sleeping on my chest she'd wake up thinking we were being trampled by horses. In hindsight, that doesn't sound too good - but aren't reasonable, sporadic doses of test meant to be a cardiotonic? Right shoulder started to hurt at week 6 so toned down training and took longer rests. I've always had dodgy shoulders (I guess overall underdeveloped?) and sooner or later they end up hurting, especially while doing lat pulldowns. People who had the same problem seem to have got better as they built more tissue around the cuff. Note to self: this time take generous amounts of glucosamine - it's hit or miss, as in whether it works for you or not seems to be a metabolic type thing - but does miracles for me.
To offset my deafness to calls not to do gear, I am completely open to any and all suggestions on how to structure my cycle, diet, training and PCT. I understand I am not in an ideal shape to do roids. I can especially imagine my joints and ligaments not being too happy about all the sudden extra load. To help minimise herniation and ligament damage, last time I did German Volume Training (10x10) while on. The reasoning behind it being instead of focusing on dangerously high loads, I would stress the muscle with more sets of lower intensity. I think 20lbs in 5 weeks is pretty monstrous. The drawback is that each workout is limited to 2 exercises. I never quite cracked a combination that allowed me to exercise what I wanted as often as I wanted without neglecting other muscle groups.
- With the reduced recovery time, how many workouts a week is reasonable to do, and how long each workout? I usually do 2-3 pw for ~90mins without gear. I have time to do more.
- What's a good training routine to get the most out of my cycle and really hit the delts/traps/neck/lats/chest (in that order of importance)? Not neglecting the rest, but thighs are already massive, core is reasonably strong and back grows very quickly. I really want to get those delts to do something with their life. I read 5x5 is meant to be the daddy but I'm concerned it might be too intense for my current shape. Whaddya think?
- Cardio: good idea or bad? How much? I'm not after monster gains only to deflate after, I'd rather gain less and keep more of it. To give you an idea, I'd have a swimmer's body over a BB's any day.
- Should I keep cycling carbs during the cycle? I'd like to stay lean even if it means slightly less gains.
I understand I have neither the time nor genetics to be BIG, but if I got to say 155-165lbs with this BF I'd be more than happy

What are your thoughts?
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