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Looking for a good doctor in Florida who knows alot about TRT/endocrine issues


New member
I live in Melbourne. It is centrally located and I am willing to travel anywhere. I would like to find one in Orlando because that is close and a big city, but doesn't really matter. A few docs I have seen mentioned are Dr. Mark in Tampa, Dr. Bernard in Jacksonville, and few others in South Florida all specializing in anti-aging. I need to find someone who knows alot about what things to test for, is willing to keep testing things until you figure out the problem or get optimal levels in your body, and hopefully really does care a little bit about your situation. I know this is alot to ask, but there has got to be at least a few of these doctors in Florida. If you know anyone in Florida that could help me, please private message me or reply to this thread. I would be very grateful. Thank you.
Why not try someone on the staff of a large hospital? Perhaps one with a link to a university. Go to the Search on their website and enter TRT, HRT anti-aging. Wrutten articles will pop up and you can see the author. He/she is probably a Dr on their staff.

Try this ... Go to a successful Compound Pharmacy in your area. Ask them who are the most popular Drs writing prescriptions for HRT bioidentical testo compounds. That Dr will be the person to see.
listen,i am a doc in south florida,just starting out in hrt,the real problem is that there are alot of guys out there just for the money,also not tons of good evidenced based medicine. i know some but alot of guys on this board know alot,some supportable some not. I think the deal is to find someone that will listen to you,who really gives a crap and your going to have to do some research and thinking on your own and bouce it off your doctor. doctor-patient is a team. good luck
I have a doc who is a friend of mine in the Fl Keys,who is specilzing in trt. He is on it himself and feels better than ever.He is knowledable about hgh and hcg,let me know and I will put you in touch.Yes its along way but you could make a mini vacation out of it.
The Health and Rejuvenation Center
3345 Burns Road, Suite 204, Palm Beach Gardens, Fl 33410


I am "probably' going to start TRT with this clinic. You have to get a battery of blood work....They have representatives in most states who will come to you for the draw or they will send you to a lab. After that, in a few days a doc will call you back....I go today for the blood draw and will know more next Wed.

Dr. Harvey Montijo, M.D.
Optimal Wellness Center
440 State Road 7, Suite 103
Royal Palm Beach, Fl 33411

Board Certified in Anti Aging Medicine

My wife and I are both under the care of Dr. Montijo.
I live in Melbourne. It is centrally located and I am willing to travel anywhere. I would like to find one in Orlando because that is close and a big city, but doesn't really matter. A few docs I have seen mentioned are Dr. Mark in Tampa, Dr. Bernard in Jacksonville, and few others in South Florida all specializing in anti-aging. I need to find someone who knows alot about what things to test for, is willing to keep testing things until you figure out the problem or get optimal levels in your body, and hopefully really does care a little bit about your situation. I know this is alot to ask, but there has got to be at least a few of these doctors in Florida. If you know anyone in Florida that could help me, please private message me or reply to this thread. I would be very grateful. Thank you.
jacksonville anti aging center:D
Some really positive things going on here with Dr.s who REALLY do care of the health of Men and Women. I am really amazed and puzzled by "Dr.s who think they are so educated" that state that a man's Testosterone levels of 150-300, in my words, are OK! Well, let me say that is unacceptable. Look at the above mentioned who specialize in HRT Treatment, its a wonderful thing to know here at EF. Alot and I mean alot of people NEED to know there is help for Hormone issues. Good job guys!!:)
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