Your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Blue Zone strategies for long life and health. We get into: • What makes a place a Blue Zone • Why they have 10x more people living to 100 than the US • Less dementia • The power of a nap • And small changes you can adapt easily to get some of the same advantages Link to article: … [Read more...] Hardcore 30 – Why you should wait to start steroids? and Why not wait?
In this IronOverLoad episode for IO your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den discuss - Why you should wait to start steroids? and Why not wait? • Being aware of the negative effects PEDs have. • Why the majority DO think differently as they age • Why using PEDs can lead to male pattern baldness even sooner if you're susceptible • The effects modern society … [Read more...] Hardcore 28 – How steroid use evolved the past 50 years?
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den discuss how steroid use evolved the past 50 years? • We compare an Arnold cycle to the reputed Dallas McCarver 'death cycle' to show the extremes • How we used to buy from the trunk of a local source vs approved sources and UGLs now • Are doses finally getting back to sensible and safer … [Read more...] Hardcore 18 – Dianabol (Dbol) and Anadrol Stacked
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – Dianabol and Anadrol We discuss: • Whether this could be the bulking cycle to end all bulking cycles • We talk about how Dianabol came to be so popular • We talk about the compounds themselves and our personal experiences • Just what mega gains might mean … [Read more...] 503 – Peptides – IGF-1 Doses,Cycles,Benefits,Side Effects
Your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss Peptides with this one being IGF-1 doses, cycles, benefits and its side effects • We look at its medical use by HIV and AID victims • We compare it GH • We talk about the two different versions and why you need to know which is which to use it best • We debate the likely benefits and potential side effects • Mobster talks about … [Read more...]