Posted by This is AWESOME on March 10, 1997 at 22:40:30:
In Reply to: Cyclone - The better version of 2x2x2 posted by HotSauced on March 10, 1997 at 21:03:46:
Can one benefit by using this pattern, but modifying the drugs used? For example, if instead of deca and Primo, I use Dynabolon and Halotestin, Or D-bol
instead of A-50, would one still be able to benefit from following the cyclone pattern?
Also, assuming that I am smaller than that individual in the lineup, will I benefit from using a smaller dosage, say a total of 1500 mg per week?:
Also, please explain the rationale behind alternating androgens with anabolics in subsequent 2 week cycles.
Thankyou so much!