Re: GURUS: WHAT ABOUT SYNOVEX??? -- Animal - READ this!

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Posted by Mitch on March 09, 1997 at 16:03:45:

In Reply to: Re: GURUS: WHAT ABOUT SYNOVEX??? -- Here t'is posted by Amimal on March 08, 1997 at 00:24:22:

: : : First off, let me say that all the gurus are definitely well-educated. Your advice has been great, but my question is whether anyone has the isolation info for Synovex-H? I tried a search, but I didn't get anything concrete. The product is available right down the street, and it seems like a waste to let this good thing just sit, but I really don't need the added female side-profile that all that estradiol would give. Any kitchen recipes, docs?? Thanks

: : Here's some info from Deja News -- thanks Pat:

: : Use caution with the Synovex, as it also contains estradiol. Disolve it in
: : ether and set it in the fridge overnight. When you take it out, the estradiol
: : should have precipitated to the bottom (along with binders and fillers).
: : Filter out the precipitate and evaporate the ether. Mix into oil solution
: : and add some benzyl alcohol. Voila.
: : Finaplix, do the same thing, but no worries of estrogen remaining in
: : solution. Also, I'm sure acetone works for the Finaplix as well as ether, but
: : I'm not sure if it works for the Synovex (not positive the estradiol will
: : precipitate along with the binders and fillers). Anyway, good luck. Careful
: : with the Synovex. You don't want bitch tits.

: :
: : Basically grind up the Synovex to a powder and dissolve it in some ether
: : (diethyl ether). Maybe about 50 ml of ether per teaspoon of powder.

: : Then filter off the insolubles. next concentrate the ether solution (by
: : evaporation) slowly until crystals just start to form. Immediately put in
: : freezer overnight.

: : Filter off crystals (estradiol benzoate). Remaining in the ether is your Test
: : Prop which of course can then be restored by evaporating off the ether.

: : Lady Di

: estradiol is solvent in acetone and tren and test prop are not. Ether is pretty hard to get but acetone can be gotten at your hardware store. Throw out the acetone and then add the oil, let is set overnight and whatever is left in the bottom you don't want! Anarchy in the USA!


Are you sure, acetone won't dissolve
tren or test prop ??? That's not what I've
been hearing. I believe that acetone
will dissolve test, tren AND estradiol.

That's why Pat uses ether to separate the
estradiol. BY THE WAY, estradiol and estradiol benzoate
are two very different things. EB is contained
in SYnovex and straight estradiol - in Revalor.
EB and straight estradiol are dissolved by
different substances. So be careful and don't
confuse the two. If I were you, I'd
check once more on the acetone deal.
Check the Merck index. I am pretty sure
you're wrong.


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