Re: Counterfit Database!!!

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Posted by George Spellwin on November 07, 1996 at 22:16:36:

In Reply to: Re: Counterfit Database!!! posted by shred on November 03, 1996 at 20:35:04:

: I'm going to be publishing a news letter in the next month and your database would be of great help to me
: please send any info.
: : I'm looking to start a counterfit database for all fakes that have been circilating. I think this would be an extremely useful resource for everybody. In order for it to work all reading this should reply by simply filling out a simple standardized list like this example:

: : Name of drug:Deca
: : Status:(No substance), (Active substance-unknown),(Active substance-test cyp)
: : Place of Manufacturer:W.Orange NJ
: : Place purchased or seen:BC,Canada
: : Year purchased or seen:1996
: : Details:2ml vial, 200mg/ml, blue flip top, Exp. 2/98, Lot:292698A

: : Remember that this will help out a lot of people including yourself so I encourage many replies. I hope this will be successful! Good luck.

Elite Fitness would be more than happy to host the database on our web site.

Yours in sport,


Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine:
Dedicated to the promotion of rapid and safe physique enhancement.
, P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
George Spellwin [email protected]
Research Director phone: 212-946-4547

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