Re:Decant is.........

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Posted by Animal on March 08, 1997 at 11:54:28:

In Reply to: Re: FINAPLIX INJECTIONING TIME...ALMOST --- STOP!!! STOP!!! STOP!!!!!!!! posted by happydaze on March 08, 1997 at 04:13:47:

: : How many times do I have to post this? You don't have to use a filter to get the glue/fillers out just decant the pellets with methanol until the methanol is clear. You save the methanol and evaporate it and the powder left is the tren. I don't know why you are using acetone unless it is revalor that you are using and in that case you DO NOT want to save the acetone as that is carrying the estradiol. I'm going to start charging you guys or just sit back and laugh and watch you get bitch tits. Oh well, good luck. Anarchy in the USA!

: What do you mean by "decant"? Would you elaborate?

: Thanks.

Your dump a bunch of methanol in at first, say 1/4 cup into one of those boullion jars. You really don't even need to crush the pills which is a major pain in the ass. The meth will turn yellow and the binders will sit at the bottom. Now decant, that is pour off the liqid w/o allowing any of the binders to go with it. don't go too far and don't worry because you are going to repeat this about 5 times until the binder is snow white. Last time for this post! This is one for your newsletter hulkster? Anarchy in the USA!

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