Re: The final word and You are practicing ANARCHY!

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Posted by Animal on March 01, 1997 at 10:31:28:

In Reply to: Re: STAY-I think ya should stay posted by Nice guy on March 01, 1997 at 02:57:36:

: :
: : : : : My sources tell me there is a major investigation taking place as we speak invoving very sophisticated surveillance of this operation. Be advised. I cannot elaborate further on this matter.

: : : : Are these the same sources that told you the mex feds are busting people that buy drugs in mex on their way back to the USA. They were all over the ramp. Strange, they looked like kids and were asking for money! HAHA! Go outa here unless you've got some proof cause we don't give a fuck! Next you'll tell unabomber and I that we are the first to go down! Come to my house assholes, 'cause their ain't nothin' here. Some people are stupid but those of us who have made it this long know the score! BUZZ OFF PIG X 'cause you're stinkin' up the place and why didn't you reply to EDIE AMIN who is by no means related to EDIE GOURMET although she may be related to the GALLOPING GOURMET! Anarchy in the USA

: : : I have a feeling that not everyone who visits this web site has as much disregard for his or her well being and safety as you seem to. For the moment I will let slide what you have said and chalk it up to ignorance. It's been my experience all throughout life that there are always a few who destroy a good thing for the other goiod people. SO, I tell you what I will do just for you. I'm going to give all of the folks out there to dicide for themselves if you speak for them or if they speak for themselves. Perhaps I've misjudged the people out there. I believed that at some risk to myself, if I gave people advise based upon my many years in law enforcenment, they would appreciate it and just maybe that advise might save someone from ruining there lives or making a terrible mistake. Maybe the folks out there do want me to leave and stop giving advise. Lets put it to the test. If the majority of the resposes say, Go away we don't want your help, then I'm gone just that fast. But, If they want me to stay, then perhaps YOU should go away. How about it, are you up for that challenge?

Yea, I agree that I have been a bit brash lately and I'll tone it down a bit. Unabomber and I are not the same! Now for the major and final point. YOU ARE PRACTICING ANARCHY IF YOU ARE USING AS OR GETTING STUFF MAILED FROM SOMEONE ELSE! This board and some of the information that people are trying to 'sell' (lists) would not have to exist if we didn't have the government monkey on our backs! At least I, and bomber, have the guts to stand up and speak what we believe while being able to help people exercise (no pun) their constitutional rights to pump what they want into there body! Unlike hypocritical officer x, who spouts his questionable wisdom, but if he really were a cop he would put down his badge because if he is trying to help us then he sure as hell does not believe in the law he is upholding! If all the cops on the juice would stop being hypocrits and speak and do their part (as in give real relevant information) then maybe AS wouldn't be illegal much longer. Cop X could stand up and say, 'Hey chief, if I had legal juice I would be able to break down doors faster and easier and stop real criminals!' Then they could stop busting their AS using brothers. Remember, by using AS you are practicing ANARCHY! Anarchy in the USA!

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