Posted by under-eater on February 27, 1997 at 22:28:34:
Help!!!! Especially guys that were formally skinny! I on 2nd week of d-ball, am very aware that I should be eating 5-7 thousand calories, but I can't. I'm trying, using heavy weight gainer 900(mixed with water it's only 600 calories a serving) 3 times a day and 3 other meals but I get full. I mean, eating has become such a chore, I can't go through the next 4 weeks like this.
Can you guys recommend something to increase my appetite. I'm trying b-complex vitamines, waking up in the middle of the night to eat, ice cream, gallons of milk, etc.
I can't get the calories high enough.
Surely someone has had this problem. Can I get by on just eating alot of protein. I hear d-bol is ESPECIALLY sensitive (works a lot better) only with alot of calories.
Any suggestions. I don't want to sound like I can't suck it up, but I thought my appetite would increase dramatically while "on". It has a little, and maybe I should have gotten used to eating more before starting, but what do I do now? Thanks,