Re: This is a serious question: Farts and diarrhea on anadrol?

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Posted by littlebigman on February 27, 1997 at 16:54:53:

In Reply to: Re: This is a serious question: Farts and diarrhea on anadrol? posted by Big JIM on February 27, 1997 at 16:00:40:

: : : I am curious as to if these are side effects of anadrol. I have a friend
: : : who has only been on a couple of days and farts and the runs started in
: : : on day 1 and have continued since. Is this coincidence? or does he just
: : : put up with it? Thanks for the info.

: : Some people find tabs, esp Anadrol, harsh on the digestive system. Mind you this is not highly common and he could simply have a stomach virus or something. If it continues, Anadrol may too much for his stomach. Make sure it's eaten with ample food and maybe some milk thrown in. This may help.

: Tell him to try somthing to coat his stomach like Pepto-bismol, or milk of magnesia, if they don't work than he should stop using the anadrol.

One final suggestion, has he started drinking alot of milk, or taking a protein powder which is mostly
milk? If so, and if he is lactose intolerant (many more people are than realize it), then he should cut
out the milk and milk based powders.


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