Re: 12WEEKS/ 50lbs NO JOKE!!! >>>Not Sure<<<

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Posted by BIG J on February 26, 1997 at 20:16:32:

In Reply to: Re: 12WEEKS/ 50lbs NO JOKE!!! >>>UPDATE II<<< posted by DartBoard on February 26, 1997 at 19:48:08:

: This is a sample phase one cycle (androgen) for some of you out there requesting one. Remember that this is a radically different style and may be against all that you have heard, but the results are facinating!! I have double checked with my resources and they all have concluded that if it is your first time trying this or do not have the resources, you may still get excellent results with 3/4 or 1/2 the dosage. Also, to get to the desired mg level you may need to take orals. A simple calculation of multiplying the oral mg amount times 3 will get you the injectable equivalent [((D-bol 4/day x 7 days)x3= 420mg]. Here goes:

: Phase One

: Day Sustanon 250
: 1 3
: 2
: 3 3
: 4
: 5 2
: 6
: 7 2
: 8
: 9 2
: 10
: 11 2
: 12
: 13 2
: 14

I am not sure about this one. The logic sounds good but the drug of choice doesn't. A 2 week off period isn't long enough for sustanon to get out of the body. You will still feel its effects 4 weeks after your last injection and the receptors will still be getting hit hard. It seems to me that test suspension would be a better choice as well as anadrol and d-ball. Just my opinion.


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