AS anfd fertility, last studies

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Posted by Dr L on February 26, 1997 at 11:37:38:

It's well known that AS users become not fertile
after 3-4 weeks of use. It's reversible after the end
in 3 months maximum excepted for Anadrol for which
it may be irreversible and less frequently Dianabol
The toxicity of theses drugs is well known that's why
it has been forbidden in france since 1985. [It exists
some AS with the same potence and slightly safer but
which are only used for patient who are burnt to the
third level]
Anyway , we continue to cure some patients who have been made
sterile by theses drugs.
What is new is that the composition of sperm has changed (i don't speak
about the lack of spermatozoid or theirs abnormalities of course)
For healthy male , sperm is made of water, fructose, protein (spermine),vitamins(E,C)
, minerals and a lot of free testosterone (It remenbers me the case of a female patient
with a strange hirsutism that nobody could explained: Mesdames don't abuse of oral sex because
it is directly absorbed by the small blood vessels in the mouth !)
For every sterile AS users the free testosterone in the sperm
is totally absent which explain the spermatozoids abormalities or deficiency
It's totally irreversible because the testes are damaged but NOW that
kind of sterility can be cured by using spermatids and by some genetic manipulations
it's possible to produce good spermatozoids and so with a medical assistance (no coit )
it's possible to have children whic is a very good news !
That study is currently published and i'm sure your physician will have the information

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