Re: Stronger Than You

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Posted by novice guy on February 25, 1997 at 02:32:55:

In Reply to: Stronger Than You posted by Alex Kingston on February 23, 1997 at 02:19:18:

: Hey, fellas, it's me. Alex Kingston. I just wanted to take a minute and laugh at all of you.
: Ha. Ha. Ha.
: Now I know a lot of you will write me nasty letters, and tell me that I'm a loser, a wuss, an a**hole, but you know what? I'll still be stronger than you. The funny thing is, I've never done a cycle. I'm not a genetic wonder. I don't have a world-class trainer. You know what I do have?
: Strength. Of mind, will, heart, and body. It took a long time to get where I'm at. And in two years you'll all see me on "The World's Strongest Man" competition. And I'll prove to all of you, (Even all of you tough guys who write me mean little letters and defend your pitiful little steroid ways. Ha. Ha. Ha.)
: I'll argue with you there.
: Until then, write me mean letters. Tell me how much tougher you are. Make your smart *ss coments, and give eachother five and say "Right on, man!" to eachother. Make yourselves big. You need the help, right? To get big I mean. Ha. Ha.
: Gotta go now, boys. I look forward to laughing at your letters.
: And to all of you who insist on doing them: I'm sorry.
: For all of you that do them: I'm sorry.
: And for all of you that tell youngsters that doing them is the only way: F**k you.

To all those who have responded to this post - THANK YOU! You've been sensible, rational, adult, and upbeat. How refreshing!

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