Posted by APF on February 24, 1997 at 17:39:33:
In Reply to: Reforvit-B & Fertilty posted by Babymaker on February 24, 1997 at 02:38:10:
: My wife am I are trying to get pregnant. I was planning next month to do a cycle of
: reforvit B 1cc 6 weeks I am 195 6feet 24years. Will I be infertil and how long?
: please help me.
I'm curious - do you feel that these two actions (having a child and doing a cycle) are ultimately going to be complementary?
You not (or may) be from the US, but I am - it's illegal for me to use AS, and I know the last thing I would want to do when having a wife and planning to bring a living being into this world (who will ultimately depend upon me and my presence) would be to break the law and potentially lose it all. Your actions stretch far greater than merely not potentially having enough sperm to create a child, in this case.