Re: cycle for liquid dball &cyp

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Posted by Serleejus on February 23, 1997 at 21:31:35:

In Reply to: Re: cycle for liquid dball &cyp posted by Al on February 22, 1997 at 22:21:56:

: : : : what would you recommend for a stack ?

: : : In the words of the immortal Hulkster: "Give us some more info!" Stats and lifting experience, first time using? etc...

: : well i'v done a couple of cycles been lifting a few years, would these two stck good together?

: The liquid d-bol, I assume, is reforvit B or maybe metandiabol. Anyway, 1cc = 25mg of methandrostenolone (equivalent to 5 tabs of dbol I think). If I had the stuff you do I'd take half a cc of the liquid a day along with 200mg of the cyp for the first few weeks and then go up to 1cc a day and 400mg a week of the cyp for a few weeks in the middle of the cycle and then taper back down and quit the liquid after the sixth week or so and finish off with just the cyp for last couple. Damn, that was a runon sentence! That's how I'd take it I guess. Of course, if one of the board gurus gave me some better advice I'd follow it. Anyone? Oh, by the way, this is a pretty androgenic cycle so watch out for gyno and stuff, you know what I'm talking about. Hope this helps. later

I heard that you can Drink Reforvit B, (I know nothing) instead of injecting it. It isn't very pure so drinking it makes more sense... Don't Drink the whole bottle at once, your liver might explode...have about 10mg a time or so.. and like always, Check with a physicain before doing anything.


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