Re: d-bol reply

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Posted by Mr. Smith on February 23, 1997 at 01:13:23:

In Reply to: d-bol posted by john on February 23, 1997 at 00:56:22:

: Stop, don't do it. I understand your feelings, I've been there. You have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy it. Your metabolism is not ready for AS. Listen to me, You are at a wonderful age to make gains at an amazing rate naturally. This is because your metabolic rate is racing along and can build and repair muscle much more quickly than mine can at 40 years old. When I started weight training 2 years ago, I weighed 180lbs at 5 9" at 18% bodyfat. 2 years later I am 203lbs at 13% BF. You can do much more because you are young, Iam old. I would give anything to be your age again. In just a few short years you can look awsome. Because of my age I will have to work my butt off just to keep what I got. AND if you do it naturally for now, you will keep all the muscle you build not lose most of it once you go off the juice. Go for it kid. Dedicate yourself to a n education a great job and al life of weight training. forget the juice for now ,plenty of time for that later. Now, BEEF IT.

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