Re: George Spellwin: Just curious: how many hits is this board getting per day/week?

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Posted by George Spellwin, Director, Elite Fitness on February 20, 1997 at 22:57:46:

In Reply to: George Spellwin: Just curious: how many hits is this board getting per day/week? posted by COLORADO on February 20, 1997 at 12:22:31:

: Not that more is better by any means. I'm just wondering how many people look around without ever bothering to post. Thanks...

The Web board is the most popular page on the site but we can only share specific pages' access stats with advertisers. Most people just read the board and do not post.

This said, Wednesday, February 19, was our sites busiest day ever! We logged a record 20,307 hits for the site and we are independently audited! I just wish we had more help with ad sales.

Yours in sport,


Elite Fitness: Online Bodybuilding Magazine:
Dedicated to the promotion of rapid and safe physique enhancement.
, P.O. Box 1264, New York, NY 10113-1264
George Spellwin [email protected]
Research Director phone: 212-946-4547

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