Posted by ec on February 18, 1997 at 21:05:42:
In Reply to: Re: enanthate cycle posted by Jason on February 18, 1997 at 14:02:21:
: : Could someone tell me the best way to take a 10cc, 200mg bottle of enanthate???
: : How long does it take to see results? What kind of gains can I expect from my
: : first cycle? What size needles should I use and where can I get them?
: I used 6 amps of enanthate (Primoteston 250 from Mexico) on my first cycle about 20 months ago. I totally recompostioned my body. I went from 5'9 160 up to 174 in 4 weeks. Of course some of it was water and fat gain, but I dropped 5 pounds afterward and look pretty cool. I used 250mg every week, ate a lot of calories, about 4000/day, and about 250 g of Protien per day. The cleaner you eat, the leaner your gains will be obviously. I would recommend using 200 to 300 for the first 4 weeks and then increase to 300 or 400 for the last feew, but no more than 8 weeks. You;ll get the most results in the first 6 weeks. You may want to get some HCG or Clomid to come off the stuff with, because IT WILL suppress your own endocrine system even at 250 mg per week. You can still get CLomid for $14 from Skouvara, since its not an AS. HCG costs aboout $31 from him for 3 5000 IU amps. I did not break out while I was on it, but when I stopped, my skin got messed up. I went to the beach a lot and the sun/saltwater helped it a lot. For me personally, I know that my acne is caused by high estrogen levels, so I try to take 10mg/day of Nolvadex after a cycle. Buenos suerte!