Re: What to look for in mexico ie juice

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Posted by Paco on February 14, 1997 at 03:20:36:

In Reply to: Re: What to look for in mexico ie juice posted by UNABOMBER on February 13, 1997 at 21:53:54:

: : Going to Cancun mexico and want to know what to look for as far as fakes and what is good
: : Also what can I expect to pay per cc for sostanon and deca, cypiate and possiby anavar

: I could be wrong, but I think most everything that comes in a pre-loaded syringe that is packed into a nice foil package is going to be legit. It is too much work to counterfeit those. I could be wrong, though. Maybe someone will enlighten us a little more. ANARCHY!

My preloads are very real. (they are very expensive to fake)

I got my sostenon in mexico in july and I paid 12-15 dollars per preload
other prices:
primobolan depot 20-30 dollars
primoteston depot 10-12 dollars
sten 5-8 dollars 2 2cc amps per pack
deca-d 30 dollars per package(2 preloads)

Hope this helps,


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