Re: I need advice. Please and thank you

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Posted by UNABOMBER on February 14, 1997 at 01:26:18:

In Reply to: I need advice. Please and thank you posted by JB on February 14, 1997 at 01:05:39:

: OK, I'm 33, 5-10, 170lbs. Not big but, I'm an endurance athalete that can kick some ass. I've been stuck for a while and want to try some juice to break through this barrier.
: If I bulk to much it could be a dettriment. I'm looking for strength and stamina gains. I have searched the web for info and even bought the Steroid Bible. However the good info is elusive. And the simple answers don't exist.

: I have gotten a 50ml vial of 50mg Norandren. Now I've got some newbe questions and a cycle I would like someone to commint on. Basic question. If I understand correctly the strength 50mg is per 1ml, so my vial total = 2500 mg ? 1cc = ?ml ??
: I hate to ask this stuff but I can't find it anyplace else.
: Cycle
: week 1) 50mg
: 2) 100 mg
: 3) 150mg
: 4) 200mg
: 5 thru 7) 250mg

: Thanks for any help.
: Go hard or go home!

A cc and a mL are one and the same. I like the go hard and go home. You sound like a prime candidate from some Primobolan, Winstrol or Anavar. You're cycle should be ok for an endurance athlete. The doses are too low for anyone looking to add some real size, though. ANARCHY!

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