Posted by PinCushin on February 13, 1997 at 04:21:10:
I've already tried the search engine and found some info on Norandren. The problem is that the bottles "my friend" has are a little different than discribed. In the archived posts say that it should have blue on top of the label that fades into white, the Norandren is spelled in white, the lot and exp. #'s are of a different print, an 8, a logo, and then a 36 on the bottom, and the mls are embosed on the side from 10-50. The ones I've seen have a solid blue strip on top and the rest of the label is white, Norandren is spelled in black with a yellow background, the stopper is gold with the letters Abra Aqui stamped on top, the lot and exp #s are in the same print, there is a 6, a logo, and a 38 on the bottom. I need your help one this one guys. Thanx!!