Re: Anabolic Steriods

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Posted by Tim on February 10, 1997 at 19:20:26:

In Reply to: Re: Anabolic Steriods posted by Ravi Bacchus on July 01, 1996 at 21:58:12:

: : I'm VERY new to thinking about using steriods to help aid in my weight loss and gain lean muscle mass. I would like someone to email on where I can mail order some. Are some illegal and some not?
: : Thanks for any assistance you can give a newbie.
: Hi, guy. The only qualifications I have to my name are an MSc. in
: Pharmacology, but I think I can say with some certainty that if you take anabolic steroids will like very likely get
: liver cancer, kidney failure, impotence, severe acne, atherosclerosis etc... You can find this information in any book on steroids and their studies.
: I don't think that you can get steroids without a prescription and I don't believe that you can get them even with a prescription in North America (excluding Mexico).

: i don't have any qualifications except real life experience. I have never personally used steriods but have about seven close friends that have. Most have only used them for a short period fo time(
2 years on and off). from what I have seen so far it has not given them any problems and the results have been amazing. If you read any muscle mag. they have numerous articles. The bodybuilders and
trainers know from experience that only abuse of these drugs lead to negative affects.

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