Re: What is omnadren 250?

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Posted by Wannabe big guy on February 09, 1997 at 15:47:17:

In Reply to: Re: What is omnadren 250? posted by big canuk on February 08, 1997 at 14:59:45:

: Hold on there bubba Louie. You never gave me any stats
: or history on yourself and I'm sure from your post
: this is your first cycle.
: Omna's are like sust. but a different combination of
: tests. It has more side effects, will make you retain
: water like crazy and has a greater chance of aromatizing
: to give you gyno. as well. It sure works though.
: However, I would like to know a lot more before I tell
: you much more. 17 is kinda young and I'm sure you could
: grow a lot more naturally before you slam down one real
: heavy hitter like omna. Post away and let us know
: everything.
: Later, Bigcanuk.

In reply Bigcanuk this is my first cycle. I have
been working out for almost 6 months now and its so
frustrating not to see any results and thats why I got these drugs.
I have 10 1cc viles of omnadren 250. I plan on taking 1cc every
5 days and Winstrol at the same time. Thats what
a friend told me to do. He says they're both really good.
I want to take it but the side effects scare me. Can you
tell me what side effects I'll and are they reversible?
If you don't think I should take these drugs tell me what
drugs are good for bulking up and getting cut.

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