Looks like I gotta spell it out.....

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Posted by big canuk on February 09, 1997 at 02:22:03:

In Reply to: Re: Rock is solid!!!! posted by BANJO BOB ! on February 08, 1997 at 21:08:54:

Man, read between the lines. Those anonymous flames
against Slinger are from her.
He has his reasons for coming against D.D. and since
he doesn't want to share them here, I won't begin to
say why either. Let's just say there are reasons!!
I don't treat anyone like a hero but let's give credit
where credit's due. He's very abrasive and rude quite
often but that's 'cuz he don't care about the trivial
things people pester him with. He does what he sets
out to do and that's it. Would you rather him be real
nice to gain your trust and then take your money and
go to Cancun or just dissapear or would you rather deal
with a guy who stays distant and aloof but gets you
what he says he will?
I can't believe the balls some guys have here....
Screaming for sources/connections and then freaking
out if they don't get something like yesterday. This
stuff isn't fast food hamburgers you know. It's contraband!
Well, I'm rambling and venting so I'm ending here but
hope you start to get the big picture.

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