To the three ass holes

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Posted by Howard on February 06, 1997 at 12:34:36:

Another Jeff hasn't done too bad. In fact he's been right:

Most people on this board DONT feel comfortable talking to someone in law enforcement
Fatt ASS or Fatt Kidd should have asked his question on the other Board especially
since he himself said he wasn't gonna do any drugs. THIS BOARD IS ABOUT DRUGS IDIOT!!!
If you had gone to the other board you would have gotten the help you were looking for.

If NRG had a brain, he would have seen that Jeff's post after his was a general one
to the administration urging a line in the directions of this page that users not POST
sources. This might be a good idea since it gets redundant to remind newcomers over and
over again not to ask for or post sources so NRG you are a BIGFUCKINGIDIOT.

Mr. diSSruptor- If you cant take a little coarse joking, then you are a wus. Dont be such
a big crybaby pussy.

Jeff has been a giver and not a taker on the question about sex enhancing recovery,
Big Man to loose fat, Clen+ vs Spiropent, the GHB question and has given some good
sites to visit. I hope he sticks around and you bunch of idiots dont run him off.

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