Re: Dr.L - Quick Q re:length of cycles

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Posted by Dr L on February 03, 1997 at 10:45:56:

In Reply to: Dr.L - Quick Q re:length of cycles posted by Curious Guy on February 02, 1997 at 09:59:31:

: Dr. L, if you have a minute, I have a question -
: You told us about how you give your patients mesterolone at lower doses than what a bodybuilder might use but for quite an extended period of time (years at a time?) This is, from what I gather, for safety reasons and because it is easier on the system.
: My question is then, would this pattern follow with other steroids?

: For example, we know what most BB'ers use in terms of methandrostenolone, usually get up to at least 30 mg/day, some to 50 mg/day, and some go rediculously high...
: But this is usually for 6-8 weeks or so. Now, if one were to use a "therapeutic dose" and NOT go above that, (say 5-15 mg/day??), would this be more "kind" to the system if taken for a couple of months? I would expect the gains wouldn't be as phenomenal, but would the individual's hormonal system be less disturbed with lower dosages for a longer period of time??

: Thanks for any help.
Exactly, but your gain will be higher at the end because
you will be able to keep most of lean mass, especially
if you stop progressivelly in order to avoid the rebound effect
You don't need to eat 10000 kcal a day or 3g/kg of protein
Long and low is the only mean to make steady gain (with work out) and to avoid acute side effects
gain 10 kg on 10 weeks and lose 5kg the next month is really not clever and expensive
After a such treatment the only "obsession" of the body is to wipe out this mass
gain 2kg each month during 6 month is more efficient, more safe and the body can adjust his metabolism
Don't use too potent drug too

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