Re: primo/dbol, working out, and protein intake

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Posted by big canuk on February 01, 1997 at 23:43:42:

In Reply to: primo/dbol, working out, and protein intake posted by Tim on February 01, 1997 at 16:49:03:

: question 1) when folks use steroids do they usually increase the FREQUENCY of
: their workouts, out just the INTENSITY ?

It depends on the individual and the steroid used. Some guys prefer to
move some iron instead of killing someone (rage) so do multiple workouts.
You shouldn't have too much problem from the d-bol though. When I do a cycle,
I just go heavier as I'm already intense and I don't bother doing more frequent

: question 2) if someone were going to do a stack of primo and dbol, should they
: discontinue the primo during the weeks they use the dbol and then start it going
: again when the dbol is done, or use them both at the same time ? (200 mg of primo
: a week)

I wish you would have told me how much d-bol you had and
were planning to use. That'd make a big difference in how
to answer this one. Since you sound like you don't have
any clomid, etc. I'd suggest starting both at the same
time. Go heavy on the d-bol for 4 weeks and continue with
the primo for the last four to let your test levels build
back up and not crash as hard.
If you have other info. in this regard, re-post.

: question 3) what's your opinion on protein intake when using steroids? should
: you really increase what you normally eat for protein ? say, double it ?

I say you should up your protein all right. Eat as
much as you can when doing the heavy gear but remember,
your protein intake is critical so go at least 2grams
per lb. of bodyweight and if you can go more, do it
but you'll probably have to stand downwind from yourself.

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