Re: Boldec & Anadrol

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Posted by APF on January 31, 1997 at 22:58:31:

In Reply to: Boldec & Anadrol posted by D.Hartshorne on January 31, 1997 at 21:31:42:

: Can anyone tell me whether boldenone undecylanate ("Boldec") and
: oxymetholone ("Anadrol") work well together?

I don't see why not. Oh, there's more.

: Boldec, as far as I can tell, seems to be for getting hard and cutting,
: whereas Anadrol seems to give size and mass. The question is: Do these
: effects cancel each other out, so that the combination is useless or
: worse/no better than the two on their own or do they complement each
: other, so that you get some size but stay hard with it?

Ok, ok. This comment makes it pretty clear that you really don't have a good grasp on what you're dealing with here (not meant as a flame, really). The differences between steroid compounds are basically in how much they vary from the testosterone molecule, and therefore the resultant anabolic/androgenic effect variants manifest. If you look in a medical text (eg the AMA's "Drug Evaluations" - see your local/university library), you will see that the chemical structures of these compounds are very similar. Attempts to separate the androgenic (masculinizing) from the anabolic (growth-stimulating) by screwing with the testosterone molecule gives us the large amount of anabolic (anabolic androgenic) steroids on 'the market'. The theory is, if you can isolate the growth stimulators and not the masculinizating factors, you get the perfect drug. However, attempts haven't been 100% successful - there is a tendency for the purely anabolic steroids to be somewhat less effective (in terms of strength/size gains) than the more androgenic steroids. However, the more androgenic a compound is, generally, the more sided-effects you get.

This is where people are coming from when they say a drug is for 'getting hard and cutting' as opposed to 'size and mass'. Oxymetholone is classically the more androgenic of the two, and when you use it, you may get huge very quickly, but much of your gains may be water-weight and/or disappear when you go off it. Equipoise, then, would be the less androgenic of the two, wouldn't promote as much water retention, and would be more suitable (one would say) for a cutting diet or to get 'hard' as opposed to sheer poundages in weight.

: If they do work well together, what are the best proportions?

I can't answer that w/o more information about the person supposedly using the compounds, what their goals are, what their current 'stats' are, etc.


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